Steak Night Fundraiser!

Join The Saskatchewan Dance Project and local arts supporters for an evening of food, raffles, and networking as we prepare to send three of our dancers abroad for a once in a lifetime opportunity to share our work on an international stage! This fundraiser will support the travel expenses for SDP to attend the 2nd Joint Congress of daCi (dance and the Child international) and WDA (World Dance Alliance) Global Education and Training Network in Adelaide, Australia this July, 2018. Company members will participate in conference events such as lectures, workshops, and performances throughout the week, and we will look forward to bringing our fresh knowledge and experience back to the Saskatchewan dance community this summer. Patrons can look forward to a brief word from the company, a 50/50 draw, raffle prizes, and your choice of a steak, chicken, or veggie-burger dinner. A finalized program for the steak night will be released in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, get your tickets to support your local dancers, and we will look forward to seeing you on April 26th! Tickets: $25.00 *Contact any of our company members via this page or PM to purchase tickets, or email for more information about the event.